What do you think when you look in the mirror? 

  • Well, crap
  • At least I’m no-bo(tox)  
  • Brown chicken brown cow

There’s this famous line that Jesus said about what matters most in life, but of all the times I’ve heard it talked about, I’ve never heard this very important point: 

You must love YOU to love them. 

“Love your neighbor as yourself.” —Jesus (Mark 12:31)

How do you love God? By loving your neighbor. 

How do you love you neighbor? The same way you love yourself. 

Implication: If you don’t love yourself, you’re not loving others well. 

If you’re not showing yourself grace, you’re not offering it to others.
If you can’t smile at your own weaknesses, you’re not going to tolerate the weaknesses of others. 
If you can’t embrace your own quirks, you’re not going to enjoy the quirks of someone else close to you.  

It starts with you. Enjoy you. Show grace to you. Be compassionate towards you. Then, you might discover that everyone around you is struggling to love themselves… opening the door to endless opportunities to love God by loving people He loves.