This week, I’m going to write about one passage—John 15—because this is one of my favorite passages in the Scriptures.  

“I am the true vine…” -Jesus (John 15:1a)

The nation of Israel had, historically, been referred to as a “vine” by ancient Hebrew prophets—as if the life-blood of God to humanity would be carried through this people group. 

Turns out, as cool as the Jews are, this was more of a temporary, or representative image. 

Jesus arrives and says, “Ok, ok. I’ll take it from here. Everything before this was pointing to this. Everything coming after this is new and evolved and informed by me and what I’m going to show you.” 

I AM the true vine. 

Generations earlier, God told Moses, “I AM that I AM.” 

In essence, “I’m the always, ever-is-ing, One. I’ve always been, I am, I will always be. I’m not part of the conversation. I AM the conversation. I’m not part of your thinking. I frame all thinking. I’m not a component of your life, I created everything living and sustain your life in this very moment.”

“You’ve oriented yourself around some source prior to Me. Now, leverage all your knowledge, insight, and experiences and reframe them around this truth: I AM your life source.” 

Where do you turn when you’re feeling less than fully alive? Is that person, place, or thing God? A gift from God? Or is that person, place, or thing distracting you from God—your life source?