“He who vindicates me is near. Who then will bring charges against me? Let us face each other! Who is my accuser?”- Isaiah 50:8

No doubt someone has hurt you, offended you, betrayed you, or slandered you… but we have to stop the cycle. Don’t lower yourself to their level and become another “accuser.”

Forgive. It’s so difficult; especially when it keeps coming up; but we have to let it go… again, and again, if necessary.

There’s a God in heaven who sees and knows and will see you through. Stay the course.

By the way, the enemy of God—the one who tempts and taunts—has been called Satan or the Devil. But did you know that his nickname is “Accuser?”

Question: What’s the best way to neutralize a person who is forgiven and free?

Answer: Make them doubt that they are forgiven and free.

So, he accuses. And he doesn’t look like a dragon, demon, or vampire. He whispers in the ear of regular people who are fearful, hurting, and confused about their own freedom and identity and convinces them to speak evil about others. The unknowing participants are often the most “religious” among us, thinking they are doing “good” by pointing out “bad.” It’s no surprise that gossip is one of this enemy’s most effect tools.

Rise above it. Let’s refuse to be people who fight accusation with more accusation. Let’s reject the cycle of the Accuser’s delight.

Let’s forgive and keep moving forward. He who vindicates is near.