1. Find a rhythm 

  • weekly, or
  • first week of the month 

2. Remember the sacrifice 

And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” (Luke 22:19)

3. Embrace dependence 

a) on God
b) on each other

4. Eat food (and have fun!)

Don’t eat crappy food. Put some effort in it. 

Jesus was known for serving good wine at parties. You think He served the disciple Two-Buck Chuck at the First Dinner? Nope. 

Make it special. Honor your people. Set an example that they can follow the next time. (Maybe the dinners rotate homes.)

Food tastes good for reason—it’s meant to be enjoyed. So enjoy it! And enjoy each other. 

Remember, we’re celebrating. 
We’re forgiven!
We have the gift of life!
We still receive and are filled up!

God uses others as a conduit of His presence and peace… so let’s let the love flow… and overflow into the lives of others!