“Whenever you enter a house, stay there until you leave that town.” -Jesus (Mark 6:10)

I don’t know why Jesus told His followers to stay in one house when they visited a town. Perhaps it was simply a matter of respect. The family welcomed them, so don’t be perpetually looking for fancier hosts and more comfortable accommodations. Be thankful, stay put, focus on the work. 

No matter…

Reading that verse recently made me think of something I read in a book by a guy named Brendon Burchard. He said that when he walks into a room, he uses the doorway as a trigger, reminding himself to be himself and add as much value in the room as possible. 

So… let’s say that you’re walking into your home. What if you used the doorframe to frame your state of mind: “I’m going bring the best I have to my family right now.”

When you walk into a boardroom: “I’m going to be myself and bring the best of me for the good of the whole.” 

When you walk into the gym: “I’m going work hard and push myself, while not being a selfish jerk to my fellow fitness enthusiasts.” 

Every time you walk through a doorway, let that be a reminder to you. 

Be you. 
Be your best you. 
Bring what matters and make the most of the present moment.