Tomorrow I release an interview with Eric Boles on The Spirit Farm Podcast.(If you haven’t subscribed yet, do so now!)

In the interview, I ask Eric about his morning routine and how he stays so motivated and positive. His answer is great, but I found myself wrestling with the challenges of morning routines while having young children. Here’s how I’m thinking about it right now…

First five
I might only have five uninterrupted minutes in the morning before leaving the house. (That is, unless I want to wake up before 6am, which… I don’t.) So. I’m going make the most of those five minutes. I’m going breathe, pray, reflect, affirm… in rapid fire. 

Instead of telling myself, “I don’t have time… these crazy kids… it’s just a season…” I’m going to do what I know I can do. I’m going to focus my day in the first five minutes. 

Then, I know I’m going to have at least five more minutes when I’m driving. 

Drive five 
When I get into my car I resist the temptation to turn on the radio (not much of a temptation) or a podcast (big temptation). I take the first five minutes of my drive time to make sure I covered the appropriate bases in my time earlier in the day. 

Did I think about my goals?
Did I elevate my emotions? 
Did I invite God into my day? 

Five and five. More is better, but some is a start. And you have to start to start.