Do you have refrigerator-friends? The kind that can walk into your house and help themselves to your refrigerator? And do you have friends that you feel comfortable sticking your face in their food-cooler?

Fridge-friends are important. They have broken through the formalities and polite pleasantries. They’ve been around enough and know you well enough to not have to ask. They just grab what they want because they know you love them.

Granted, some people can be obnoxious and over-stepping, but I’m not talking about the weirdos. I’m talking about the people you let into your life enough to let into your refrigerator.

Here’s a fun test: Go to Costco and stock up the fridge. Then invite some people over for a game. You need a football game or movie or backyard activity so people are moving around freely. Then watch, and wait. When someone asks for something, tell them to help themselves. If they feel awkward or uncomfortable it’s even more fun! Just tell them that they are now officially fridge-friends and can get what they need without asking.

It’s not lazy. It’s another level of hospitality. And it takes friendships to new levels, too.