Malcolm Gladwell calls it the “Blink” reaction. You’ve also probably thought of it as your “gut instinct.”

It’s when an option is put in front of you and within two seconds you have some kind of feeling about it. You might not be sure what you want to do or choose, but your internal compass has already begun to tilt you toward to the direction you are to go. 

Pay attention to your gut. 

Moms know this. When the childcare worker gives them a weird vibe… or when their kid answers a question in a concerning way… Moms trust their gut instincts. As should all of us. 

Is it Spirit? Experience? Personality? Skill? Probably “yes” to all of the above. It’s hard to know… that’s why people have referred to it as “gut” for generations. 

When it comes to decision-making, start with your gut. It’s giving you good information 70% of the time (or more). If you have time, wait, watch, listen, learn… We’ll build our decision-making muscles from here.