Kimi cared about the things that mattered, but could give a rip about the things that didn’t. She couldn’t care less if she had all of her accessories matching and looking perfect but, she did care that she showed up on time to a loved one’s graduation.

Kimi couldn’t care less if she had makeup on, but cared that she went straight from her workout to my volleyball practice so she could watch me.

Kimi couldn’t care less if she ate dinner at the wedding, but cared that she was making the people around her feel loved and seen.

She KNEW what mattered and put her energy there which means she had to let some things go. She cared so much for people and making them feel loved, that she couldn’t hold it all together, so she released it. She was not perfect, but no one would ever notice because she always made them feel so good just being with her.

One day, Kimi accidentally wore two different shoes to work—one had a heel and one didn’t. The story goes that Kimi just giggled around the office all day walking with two different heel heights on. How she made it all the way to work with two different shoes on is beyond me… but, I bet she paused when she noticed what she had done and had a decision to make… Is this worth my attention today? Is it that big of a deal? Can I just finish my day and not lose an hour out of my work day to fix this shoe problem? Yep. And will I make everyone smile as I walk by? Yep. Did my mom want to have matching shoes on? Sure. But in order for her to live her good life, she decided to let that go.

What might you need to let go of to care more deeply for the people around you? Care more for things that matter, let go of the things that don’t… and giggle while you do it.