Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?” John 6:8-9

A little boy saves the day. Why? Because he doesn’t see the world through limiting lenses. He doesn’t have the filter that chokes the life out of dreams. He doesn’t lead with “how.” And, as a result, he’s about to get a “Wow!”

Boy: “Sure, it doesn’t make a lot of sense. But it’s Jesus. Here you go, sir.” 

What an incredible lesson the boy received! (I wonder if it had a more lasting impact on him than even the disciples.) 

My LITTLE in Jesus’ hands can serve A LOT of people. 

I need that lesson, do you? I’m sometimes plagued by the insecurity that what I have to offer isn’t enough. Why try? Why start? Why keep going? I’m not sure the math is going to work on this. And it makes me feel like I’m not the right guy. 

Then, Jesus gets our attention. “How about you just trust me with what you have. The time… the money… the creativity… the network… And see what I can do.”