“When we talk about our feelings, they become less overwhelming, less upsetting, and less scary.” – Fred Rogers

I’m notoriously bad and sharing my feelings. I’m happy to share my thoughts, ideas, and insights… but feelings?

Why is it difficult? Because I’m a man? Because I don’t have the words or energy? Because I’m a “spiritual leader”? Because I have believed that I should have it all together? Because I’m supposed to have more answers than questions? Because the God in me is supposed to fix everything?

Yes. Those things.

And it’s time for those misguided assumptions to drown in a fresh awareness of grace and the space for me to be me—right where I am today.

Mr. Rogers was a genius. He is actually one of the most influential spiritual leaders in history. And his platform and pulpit was PBS and children’s television. He taught us many things, but perhaps most of all that life is simple. And in this simple life, it’s enough to just be who we are, where we are, and know that we are okay.

Feel your feelings today. Try and put some language to them. Don’t let them take the wheel and run your life, but don’t ignore them. Express them to someone you trust, even if it feels stupid—as it often doesn’t to me. But whether you realize it or not, pressure is released, connections are made, and peace becomes possible.

It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood. Even if it doesn’t feel like it yet.