The Kingdom of God is now and not yet.

He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” (Revelations 21:5)

In some ways, already. In other ways, still coming.

The Kingdom of God is present and also stilling being given. The Kingdom of God is realized, and also being birthed. The Kingdom of God is right in front of you and also just out of reach.

It’s the same with YOU. You are yourself, AND you’re becoming more so. You are entirely who you are, AND you’re still becoming the best version of yourself. You are a living and whole being, AND you’re still in the process of bringing harmony and wholeness to your body, mind, heart, soul. Now, and… Yes, plus…

Newness is real, and newness is coming.

Be grateful for what is, AND pay attention for opportunities to participate in the coming of what could be!