Be careful not to crave the upgrade.

“Whatever house you enter, stay there util you leave that town.” — Jesus (Luke 9:4)

We love our upgrades. Apple knows that as well as anyone.

But when it comes to upgrading from people and their generosity, it can backfire.

I’ve seen people (and pastors) be friends with some and not others because of their wealth or status. Caring for some—and not others—when they have large homes or more money. So dangerous. It looks ugly from the outside, but its even worse for our human hearts.

Jesus sent his followers out on a good-doing mission and said, “Whoever welcomes you first, stay with them. Don’t upgrade when people see your miracles and offer you nicer accommodations.”

Why? Well, then it becomes about you and your comfort instead of the mission and serving people.

Don’t forget the people who took care of you in the beginning. Serve everyone and don’t just cater to the bougie. Stay on mission and know that inner fulfillment is better than outer fancy.