After the noise, disruptions, and inner chaos, if we keep listening, we’ll hear the whisper.

And after the fire came a gentle whisper. 1 Kings 19:12

The Spirit is always whispering. Maybe He’s humming, singing, beat-boxing, or calling-out…but the question is, are we tuning in? Are we listening? Are we fighting through all the competing noises and distractions—outside and inside us?

Most people resist the quiet. Even when they’re courageous enough to sit in silence and be still, they find that all kinds of things rise up from within and listening to the quiet voice of God seems impossible. But, when we move past the to-dos, the trauma, and the insecurities, we move into the realm of the eternal, where the Spirit is whispering.

Expect to encounter worries. Tell them, “You are not from God.” And stay still.

Expect to feel the insecurities rise up. Tell them, “You are not from God.” And stay still.

Expect to think of the problems that need solving and to-dos that are real. Tell them, “You are not from God, at least in this moment.” And stay still.

When you do—when you fight through—a divine encounter is on the other side. I’m not suggesting angels with trumpets. My experience is more similar to the above: the still, small voice, or whisper.

A whisper that affirms.
A whisper that comforts.
A whisper that challenges.
A whisper that speaks to the true/real me.
A whisper that sparks my soul and makes me feel more alive.

Meditation is not “new age” or weird or for other people who aren’t you. Meditation—or whatever you want to call stillness, silence, and connecting to God’s Spirit—is the most original and ancient practice in spiritual growth. Long before there was a Bible there was silence. Long before there were churches with steeples, there were caves where people heard from God. And long before there were apps with sermons and songs there was stillness that made souls come alive.

Be still and know that God is God, and always accessible to you.