My boys watched a Spy Kids movie for Saturday Morning cartoons. The premise was that a villain—The Timekeeper—built a machine to turn back time, making up for things he had missed as a kid. Turns out, the Spy Kids foiled the plan—phew.

Time is funny. It’s a non-renewable resource. We don’t get more, and we don’t know when it runs out. 

Everyday, we make choices how to spend the time. With family… with friends… making money… resting… playing… exercising… And none of these things are wrong. And they don’t even, necessarily, need to be completely balanced. But the time you dedicate to the above should be purposeful. 

When your time is purposeful (and intentionally allocated), you’re using your time. When time-management is lacking or ignored, you feel as though you’re losing time. 

Take a look at your calendar today. Are you purposefully directing your time?