“Remain in me, as I also remain in you.” – Jesus (John 15:4a)

So… as we continue in this famous Jesus-passage and get to the gum at the center of the Blow Pop… 

Jesus gives us a glimpse into His secret ambitions.


Ok, so you’re clean… you’re forgiven… you’re free. 

A lot of faith-people stop there. Church services, youth retreats, tent revivals… have sometimes seemed to emphasis praying a prayer or raising a hand or walking down in front… as if in an effort to prove to God that we’re serious and are doing our part to achieve His forgiveness and mercy. 

Crazy. Grace and the sacrifice of Jesus means that no one can achieve anything. It’s done. 

“I prayed the prayer, so I’m going to heaven… but THOSE people over there… probably not.” As if Jesus came save only script-readers looking for insurance against the fire of hell. It’s kind of funny, really, that people thought this way for so long. 

But, Jesus… 

Jesus is interested in you and I REMAINING connected to Him. We’ll say how in the coming days, but today:

The ultimate plan has always been RELATIONSHIP restored. Connection. Closeness. 

Like walking with God in the garden. 

Like talking to God while you run. 

Like praying in the car. 

Like singing in the shower. 

Like meditating in the morning. 

Like whispering prayers in the boardroom. 

Like trusting Him when you’re nervous about the thing. 

Like crying to Him when you’re feeling sad. 
