My boys are 5 and 3. They are fascinated by “typing” their names into my computer. If I pull the laptop out the first one to see it will inevitably shout, “Let me write my name!”

Jack (5) can spell his name. Now, he can actually hunt and peck his way around the keyboard and almost write JACK THOMAS ANDERSON without assistance. 

Henry (3) still needs me to direct his finger. But he loves every minute of it. 

  • Me: “H”
  • Henry: “Yeah, H”
  • Me: “E”
  • Henry: “Yeah, E”

We all love to see our names. We all love to hear our names. 

We all need to be known, seen, acknowledged, and valued. 

So write your name today. Write it. Look at it. Know that there’s a Creator who designed you and knew your name before the foundations of the world. You’re known. Sit in his “knowingness.” He’s with you. 

God says: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart…” -Jeremiah 1:5

And then remember, everyone around you is at an encouragement deficit. They probably didn’t read this today. They need to see their name, hear their name, and believe they matter. So say names today. Not nicknames… not derogatory names… say their real names—on purpose, with love. Try to learn and actually remember a new name today. Their name is their favorite word in any language.