…Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” -John 4:13-14

Jesus is still meeting us at our wells. 

You know the place… It’s where you go when you feel lonely. It’s the thing you do when you feel badly, or bored. You go the the well, time and again. 

You have to go back because it never satisfies. 

And, like the woman at the well, you go when no one else is around because it’s embarrassing. There’s shame involved. What would people think? Well, you justify, their issues are worse. But still… you’re alone. 

Jesus: “I have the only water that will satisfy.” 

Us: “But how? I can’t see it. I don’t get it? Why should I trust it? This is the well that I know.” 

Jesus: “But how’s that working for you?” 

He’s got a point. It isn’t working, and we know it. But we’re inclined to persist with what we know. Then again… there’s a glimmer of hope. We feel seen. And He’s not judging us… there’s no condemnation in His voice. Just awareness. Is living water possible? 

“Jesus, how about today? Will you give me living water today? Then, maybe meet me again tomorrow?”