Here are some more questions we ask ourselves at the soul level. Most of our human effort and accomplishment is spent in the pursuit of these questions:

“Am I enough?”
“Am I making a difference?”
“Am I special?”

I remember asking my dad, “Can I be your favorite?” I was five. But I had just gone from being the only child, to the older brother, then to the older brother of two boys. And they were cute… and funny… and people liked them. But what about me? I’m still here… Am I special? Can I be the favorite?

We never stop asking that question. Not at five… not at fifty-five. We still have an inner longing to be special.

Here’s the thing:
• No amount of money resolves our question.
• No amount of followers proves our “specialness.”
• No amount of “success” satisfies the longing of the soul to be enough.

“The Lord your God is with you… He will take great delight in you; in His love He will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” -Zephaniah 3:17

The Lord your God is with you.
He delights in you.
He sings over you.

It’s it’s only in the daily, conscious choice to be WITH HIM that you you’ll find and feel your answer.

Connected to the Spirit, in the mystery of the invisible, you’ll know:
You’re enough.
You’re known and loved.