There are officially 12 days before Christmas!

I know, I know… The song is “The 12 days of Christmas,” and, technically, it starts with Christmas Day and goes the next eleven. But that doesn’t make any sense. We look FORWARD to Christmas. And when it’s done, we’re looking to the New Year. My wife has the tree and lights down before lunch on the 26th.

So, we’re going use the 12 days theme to gear up for Christmas.


… gear up for the release of my first ever online course: Life to the Whole. (It releases the day after Christmas. More on that later.) But for now, let’s talk about:


Advent means arrival. The God of the universe arrived.

It’s strange to think about, isn’t it? The God of everything… in whom we live and move and have our being… the breath of life itself… the One who spoke creation into existence… the same One who holds the whole world in his hands… That One. That God. He showed up on earth in the form of a human child. An infant… via the birth canal. (A.K.A.: The hard way.)

Thousands of years of prophecy and promises preceded His arrival, but it was still masked in mystery. No one expected this. Not this way—humble, simple, scandalous.

It was—and is still—absolutely shocking.

Click here for the Life to the Whole course!