There are 11 days before Christmas!

I’m using these days to help prepare you not to miss the main things this Christmas season.

If you’re not sure what “the main things” are, I’m going to tell you.

Main Thing: Jesus arrived. He came. He showed up—God, in skin.

BTW: Technically, it was 2,000 years ago. But “a thousand years is like a day” to God, so it was more like two days ago. When you look at a nativity scene and the characters seem distant, remember, they’re not. It might as well have happened last weekend.

Main Thing 2: Jesus is still arriving. He’s still showing himself to people in unexpected ways everyday. Are you paying attention?

Main Thing 3: Jesus is still arriving via YOU. In you is the living Spirit of God, whether you realize it or not. Are you breathing? Spirit. Do you have a soul? Spirit-connector. It’s how you were made. So, guess what? When you show up somewhere, you bring a little bit of God with you. There’s no one else like you in all creation. You give us a glimpse of the God of the Universe that we wouldn’t otherwise see. We need you to be you and show up with your best this Christmas season. We’re still looking for glimpses of “the arrival.”

Click here for the Life to the Whole course!

Did you check out the deal for my online course, yesterday? Maybe you think that you’re already spending too much money on other people and can’t afford to buy something for yourself. But that’s where you’re wrong.

a) You are worth investing in, and this is way better than that jacket or those shoes. The “Life to the Whole” course will improve your life!

b) You can buy it as a gift for someone else. In fact, I’m offering a Buy-one-get-one for Christmas only. Buy access to the course for yourself, give another to someone else. And it’s a great, meaningful gift.