I had the luxury and privilege of living in Spain for two years in my twenties. I worked really hard to learn Spanish, and had so much fun doing so. By the end of my time there, not only did I speak Spanish really well, but I felt like my eyes were opened and brain was exposed to a whole new world. I felt like I had opened a door that I didn’t even know existed. 
In fact, I was able to express myself more deeply in some ways than I could in my native tongue. There were things I understood in Spanish that didn’t translate into English. 

This past year, I went through a really difficult, and unfair season. But I’m realizing that the pain of this past year has taught me a new language. What’s more, it’s given me new eyes and a new heart. I believe that nothing in this life happens by chance—and God is actively working it all together as part of a bigger story. 

A story that, through my new eyes and voice, I can hopefully reflect an even more beautiful version of Jesus. Because in my weakness he is made me stronger. Because I have a new depth of empathy. I have a new understanding. 

If we imagine ourselves as prisms that reflect God’s love uniquely through us, perhaps when we walk through pain and we are being cut and trimmed, it’s just to make more angles and beauty to reflect through us. 

My new language is a language of love and grace that I otherwise couldn’t have understood without deep pain. My eyes have the ability to see more, my heart has more empathy for others and a desire to care for those who are hurting. 

Perhaps whatever it is you’re going through is to teach you a new language of love.