“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sometimes when I’m at an event or in a group of people I have to fight off insecure thoughts: “I wish that I…”

* was funnier

* was wittier

* had more to say about this topic

* had more passion/energy to engage

But here’s the problem: Anytime I’m wishing that… anything… I’m not fully in the present. If I’m not fully invested in the present moment, I’m not bringing all that is ME to that moment. Instead, I’m letting my insecurity about what I’m not rob my environment from all that I am.

Embrace all that you are. Reject the insecure voice whispering about what you’re not. You’re enough to do whatever it is that God has given you to do for today.

Only you can be you… In every moment… And as you embrace “you,” you’ll realize that over time, you’re becoming a better and better version of yourself.

We need you to be you today. Enjoy being yourself. It’s the good life.