Being outside is better than being inside.

There’s just something about it… the beauty of creation, a gentle breeze, the sky, fresh air, the sound of birds… The world God created is all around you. Enjoy it. Don’t miss it.

Sure, mankind was created in God’s image (Genesis 1) and with our creative gene, we’ve designed amazing structures in which to live and work. But nothing beats the original—the raw domain of life and created order, as we know it—the great OUTDOORS.

It doesn’t matter if you live in Huntington Beach, Michigan, Maine, or Malawi… there is something about purposefully walking outside and paying attention. It has so many benefits. Here are just a few:

* sparking creativity

* resetting your mental focus

* lifting your emotional state

* connecting to your Creator

* receiving vitamin D for your skin

* exercising your body

So, at least today, set a timer on your phone and remind yourself to get up and get out of whatever human structure entraps you. Walk around, work up a sweat (in this crazy heat wave), breathe full breathes, and remind yourself that there’s a Spirit that’s here and everywhere—sustaining all of life. You can sense and even know this Creator-Spirit when you want to. Especially OUTSIDE.