Jesus said to them, “Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you.” —Jesus (Matthew 21:31)

Jesus had just told a parable about two sons:

A father told them both to go and work in the vineyard—in the family business, or shared mission. 

First son: “Nope. Don’t want to.” But then, later, he changed his mind and went and worked, like his dad had asked. 

Second son: “Yessir. Of course. On my way.” But then he didn’t go. Turns out, this was a kid who knew how to say and do the right things—how to play the game and look the part. But when it came down to it, he did what he wanted. 

Jesus follows this little story up by telling all the “good” religious people around him, “The sinners, strugglers, and morally offensive are working and participating in my kingdom while y’all are playing games of self-righteous uselessness.”

According to Jesus, 

What we do matters more than what we say. 

What we do matters more than what we think we believe. 

What we do TODAY matters more than our morally checkered past. 

What we do TODAY determines whether or not we’re participating in the surprising kingdom of God. 

P.S.: If you’re not sure what to do, just read more stuff that Jesus said.