I’m grateful for helpers!

By the way, we are ALL helpers. Some of us haven’t realized it; others are in denial; and there are many who really prefer being the “helped.” But it’s true—we were all designed to help each other. It’s the way the universe works.

In the beginning (Genesis 2), it was not good for man to be alone, so God made a helper.

Meta lessons:

* we were created for relationship

* we were created to help one another

We all do that in a million ways, but we each have a unique design that make us best at helping in certain capacities. Some help people through their writing, speaking, encouraging. Others design software or structures that serve. And some…these are some of my favorites…some show, in person, for moral/emotional support… maybe even for practical help with the administrative details that feel overwhelming. (Thanks friends!)

What kind of helper are you? Because you’re a helper. Don’t resist it. It’s how the world works.

Find someone to help. Help. Sharpen your skill. Help some more.

Bonus: When you become great at helping others in the ways God has gifted you, you’ll never have to worry about a pay check again.

Personal note: So many of you have asked how you can support me and my family. (Thank you:) With some help, I’ve set up a Patreon page for monthly contributions that will allow me to continue to blog everyday and begin a weekly podcast–like this week!

Patreon page