“Two yogurts, two spoons Daddy!” That’s what my three-year-old, Henry, says… every morning. Apparently, he wants a clean spoon dedicated to each cup of yogurt. I don’t know what clue that is giving me about Henry’s future, but I’m sure there’s something to it.

Jack, on the other hand, doesn’t want yogurt. He’s a very particular eater, particularly clean and organized, and he has better focus than most adults.

Me? I’ve seen photos of me as a kid reading my bible to my little brothers under the desk in my room. I was the captain of all my sports teams growing up—even when I wasn’t the best player. I’ve always cared about winning, but even more about improving and helping the people around me grow and enjoying the experience. My dad told me when I was still a student that it was clear I was an encourager and teacher/coach of others. That’s still playing out—whether on stage, one on one, or through a blog. I want to keep growing and encourage others to do the same.

There are secrets about your future hidden in your past.  

Pay attention. Think back… look around… project forward. The drama of your life is continuing to unfold, and God is directing you to a great future.

Clue: It has to do with being more you and serving more people.