I recently stayed at a hotel that was generally pleasant, but not awe-inspiring. There rooms were average, bed was average, view was great but the parking and lack of a gym almost neutralized the balcony over the bay. But then, there was one simple perk that tipped the scale toward “smile.”

A tray of warm cookies.

I was with my family, so two adults and three kids enjoyed the cookies. They were oatmeal raisin, freshly baked, and delicious. They sat, alone, on a large glass platter along the wall to the right of the entrance—just before the check-in desk.

Cookies in a hotel lobby do several things:

  • make the room smell better
  • show an attention to detail
  • express hospitality
  • Make kids smile

And they don’t cost much, compared to the welcome they help create.

So, where are your cookies? What can you do—simple, yet meaningful—to make others feel like you’re glad they came?

  • at home
  • at work
  • at church
  • hosting those people
  • kicking off that event

Little touches can make a meaningful impact.