Most communities of faith view Sunday as the “Sabbath” day. The scriptures talk about taking a day of rest—one day a week—where you conduct no business, do no work, and simply rest. It’s difficult to do.

  • We’re busy people who feel a sense of value when we’re achieving or striving
  • It’s probably expensive to live where you live—so we’re inclined to work to make that money
  • We forgot there’s a God

The main problem with our resting is that we forget there is a God. Or, we forget—or doubt—that this God is good and keeps this world spinning.

This Creator designed us to sleep at night. When we sleep we’re vulnerable. We have to trust our lives, our work, and our families to this invisible, universe-encompassing Being. Sunday is the day we do the same thing, but awake. We trust this God all day, moment by moment… even when we’re tempted to hop on our email…. even when we see a text about someone dropping the ball… even when we remember that thing that didn’t get done on Friday, or that meeting that’s coming Monday afternoon. Even then.

We remember that we are not God. So we can rest.

We can trust.

We can stop pretending that we control the universe and get honest without ourselves that much of this life is out of our control. We do the very best we can with the time, skills, resources, and opportunities we have… But on Sunday, we rest.

And we thank God for being God.