Last night, I watched another episode of The Crown. I admit, it’s great.

As the show concluded I found myself inspired by the Queen’s strength and determination… her sense of self and country… and also her compassion toward another who had hurt her. It was seeing the Queen make peace with her painfully exposed, vulnerable, and misunderstood existence that got to me. She was coming to terms with her life as a symbol and as a public servant. Her decisions were not about her. They were about something far bigger. She was willing to sacrifice what she wanted for the sake of what she believed was better for the people.

Whether she was right or wrong isn’t the point. She was making decisions based on the information that she had at the time. She was doing her best. What inspired me was her love of her country and people.

It was love that inspired her.

Not fear.
Not image.
Not fame or fortune.

She believed God had put her where she was for the sake of serving, and she steeled her emotions and desires to do the best job she could—stewarding the position she had.

We should have another conversation about being a human first and cultural icon second, but nevertheless…. the Queen’s commitment to service is inspiring.

In Psalm 72, King Solomon prays to have more influence and affluence… in order to help those who don’t have influence or affluence (poor, orphans, widows, etc.). Positions and possessions can consume us and make us consumers. It takes intention—and daily attention—to resist the pull to self-serving acquisition, choosing to steward what we have to be a blessing.

Wherever you find yourself today, serve. You have the influence you have to serve others. You have the affluence you have to benefit those with less. Steward your status with grace and generosity.

But also smile and get out of your castle to play with friends 🙂