“Sing a new song to the Lord! …Each day proclaim the good news that he saves.” Psalm 96:1-2

These two small sentences say it all.

Sing a new song to the Lord…

Sing: So, use your voice.

Sing: So, don’t be afraid to look/sound silly.

New: As in, different from yesterday.

New: As in, fresh, alive, relevant, creative, in process.

To the Lord: Not to lesser things.

To the Lord: Direct yourself toward him again today.


Each day proclaim the good news that He saves.

Each day: Yesterday isn’t today.

Each day: Today is today, so start singing.

Good news: That He saves.

Good news: That everything is forgiven.

When you get the GOOD NEWS that He saves, and you’re forgiven, and heaven is already in motion, and everything else that seems so difficult really isn’t as severe a thing as you think it is… you can sing. And when you learn to sing, the next level of good living based on good news is to train yourself to sing again tomorrow.

Everyday, a new day.

Everyday, a new song.

Let GOOD NEWS put a song in your heart and a smile on your face.