(Reflections on Psalm 23, cont’d)
The Divine machete can clear a path from where you’ve been to where God is taking you. 

He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Psalm 23:3
Yes, God is guiding, but sometimes I’m not following. There are days I miss the sign posts. There are moments I blow him off. What then? 

It seems God gives us some time to live out the consequences of the course we’ve charted, only to use the struggle, or pain, or confusion to help us embrace the way of the machete. Before long, we realize that, in his grace, we’re further along than we thought possible, and he’s turned our wandering into new wisdom for the “right path” and the journey ahead. 

What brings the most “honor to his name?” You making perfect decisions and being a religious robot? Or you throwing up your hands and allowing him to lead you out of the weeds and back to the adventure? 

Paths aren’t right because of you. The God with the miracle machete specializes in making wrong paths right.