Worry, like a strong wind, tears through our silence and pulls us toward fear.

Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. 1 Kings 19:11

Anytime I decide to not be still and focus on my connection to God’s Spirit, there is wind. By wind I mean worry. Worries rise up in me with tornado-like power, threatening my livelihood if I don’t get to work, suggesting concerns about how others are thinking about me—or not thinking about me—and playing out any number of scenarios, none of which seem to end well.

Worry is the first stillness-stealer. It’s a distraction that threatens to kill any hope of connecting with the eternal Spirit of the God of the Universe—the Spirit promised to us with an all-access pass.

What about…?
What if…?
Why didn’t…?
How will…?

We can rationalize it away, thinking we’re being thorough or thoughtful, but let’s be honest, we’re worrying. And, like the wind outside the cave, God is not in the worry.