What is the Credit Rebuilding Program?

Car Central offers our customers with challenged credit not only approvals, but most importantly a 12 MONTH CREDIT REBUILDING PROGRAM. It is a program which we include in every one of our approvals free of charge! For the first 12 months of your loan issued from Car Central, you have to make all payments on time; no late payments or deferred payments. Once this is completed, after the twelfth monthly payment you will be contacted by one of our Approval Experts to refinance at a lower rate since you have successfully completed our program.

What are the conditions?

When offered to refinance at our lower rates available, you have a choice of keeping the same vehicle at a lower rate or trading to another car at the lower rate. Most of the time customers trade to another vehicle at the lower rate. If you would like to keep the same vehicle, it is up to the lenders to approve that request based on the condition of the car that you are seeking to refinance. Please keep in mind that making all payments on time on the auto loan is very important as well as your credit rating and quality does not get worse than it was when you started the 12 month program.

Join Our Credit Rebuilding Program

Let us help you build your credit as fast as possible.

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