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My Story

Many people think I got my name from the classic movie ‘The Waterboy’ starring Adam Sandler. Although it’s a great movie, it wasn’t the spark to my beginning.

In December of 2013, I sat there in my basement trying to think of a name for a new sports blog I wanted to create.

Growing up I always wanted to be a professional athlete, but I was never athletic enough or big enough to play the game. Heck, I’m only 5’5. So I chose the next best thing. Report on sports. If I couldn’t play the game, I wanted to talk about the game. Then I thought if I had to compare myself to one pro sports figure who would it be? It wouldn’t be a player, it wouldn’t be the coach and it wouldn’t be the GM. It had to be a funny, underrated character who’s involved with the game, without playing in the game. After thinking about it for a while, it hit me. The Waterboy!

After identifying myself as The Waterboy of sports reporting, The Waterboy Report was born. A funny sports personality gimmick who can’t play the game, but can talk the game.

The Waterboy Report started out as a blog and then re-launched as a social media brand in the summer of 2016. You can find The Waterboy Report on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Be sure to stay connected. I post funny skits, memes and one of a kind sports reports. You will be entertained.

Enjoy the ride and stay cool!

Additional Details

The Waterboy Report is a social media sports news and sports entertainment brand hosted by Luca Rosano. For sponsorship and advertising inquiries you can email Luca at thewaterboyreport@gmail.com or call him at (416)-206-6094. *Note the content on The Waterboy Report is no way intended to taint the image of any personnel mentioned nor violate any copyright infringement policies*

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