There are 10 days left before Christmas!

One of the many things I appreciate about Hilary, and something I’ve learned from, is her childlike wonder. It’s a HUGE part of what attracted me to her in the first place.

She’s really like a big kid. Which is a spiritual advantage over people like me who run the risk of taking ourselves too seriously.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me. For the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” -Matthew 19:14. He said stuff like that on multiple occasions. Jesus was clear—it’s good to be childlike. Not childish, but childlike. And the difference is simple.

Childish is stubborn and selfish. The stuff we deliberately train out of our kids (hopefully).

Childlike is trusting, dependent, joyful, simple, and expectant. The stuff we only accidentally train out of our kids.

Growing up is a spiritual disadvantage. Childlike is the good stuff.Here are three ways you can practice being more childlike today—choose one:

  1. Get down on the ground and play with kids today. Enter their world. Let whatever adult concerns you have wait until the kids are done playing. (Which might be awhile.)
  2. Give a gift to a stranger. The stranger part is important, but you’re giving a gift and getting nothing in return. Just the joy of sharing.
  3. Call a parent or sibling and reminisce. Tell them you’re thankful for all that they’ve meant to you. Don’t talk business and don’t bring up any baggage. Just smile and be in the moment.

(You gotta sing this to yourself.)
On the 10th day before Christmas, Caleb gave to me…
10 days to buy his new course! 

In “Life to the Whole”you’ll learn how to integrate your body, mind, heart, and soul. Our culture trains us to compartmentalize as we get age. Childlike is about de-compartmentalizing. Becoming more simple, in the best kind of way. 

Click here for the Life to the Whole course!