Everyday this week I’m going to focus on your MORNING ROUTINE. It’s been said that if you win the morning you win the day. There’s no better time to think about your morning routine than today. Mercies are new everyday, and so are your choices.


Probably the most basic, personal, and helpful habit you can start is paying attention to your own breathing as the first thing you do after waking up. Notice that you’re alive. You’re still breathing. Breath is in your lungs, and you didn’t put it there. You didn’t create oxygen or design your lungs. Life is a gift. 

Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. Genesis 2:7

God filled the first humans with breath, and we’ve been inhaling our daily dependence on His Spirit ever since. 

Before you chase down your objectives and fulfill your responsibilities today, remember that all of life is a gift, and the air you breath is your reminder.