Smile When You're Sick

Pain and sickness are our bodies speaking to us. Healthy means whole, and…

Saying NO Is Strategic

Saying “no” actually makes your “yes” more valuable. Let your ‘Yes’ be…

Early Retirement

Think differently. All their days their work is grief and pain; even at…

Jesus Got Tired Too

If Jesus rested, you better build in your rest, too. Jacob’s well was…

Do The Work

Do something that reflects well on Jesus. Jesus knew the Pharisees had…

Be Still

Connecting, and reconnecting with God starts with stopping. “Be still, and…


Run, and when you feel like stopping, run 20% further. And let us run with…

Hilary Hijack: Kimi Cooks

Beef Stroganoff. That was my meal of choice for my birthday for 26 years. And…

Hiary Hijack: Kimi Bakes

Have you ever baked with little kids, let them do the measuring, mixing,…

Smart Cartoon

If you’re going to do it, do it right. Whatever you do, do well. For when…